PC Shortcut Keys

PC Shortcut Keys


In this era, almost every person is using a computer and everyone lacks time. I've brought a lot of shortcut keys for you all. Using which you can save your time.

ESC                         . . . .        Cancel last function

SHIFT+DRAG       . . . .        Move file

SHIFT+DELETE   . . . .        Full wipe delete

HOME                    . . . .        To beginning of line

END                        . . . .        To end of line

CTRL+HOME       . . . .        To the top

CTRL+END           . . . .        To the bottom

CTRL+ >                . . . .        Next word

CTRL+SHIFT+ >  . . . .        Selects word

ARROW KEYS     . . . .        Move focus in documents, dialog, etc.

PAGE UP                . . . .        Moves document or dialog box up one page

PAGE DOWN      . . . .        Moves document or dialog down one page

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