G.K (Lines and Streets)

G.K (Lines and Streets)


1:         “Durand Line” is the frontier between:

A.      Pakistan and India

B.      Pakistan and Afghanistan

C.      Pakistan and China

D.      China and India


2:         “Downing street” is famous for:

A.      Tailoring and Jewelry

B.      Banking

C.      Night Clubs

D.      Official residence of British Prime Minister


3:         World’s shortest street “Elgin Street” is located in:

A.      Scotland

B.       London

C.      New York

D.      Paris


4:         “38 Parallel Line” is the boundary line between:

A.      Canada and USA

B.      North and South Korea

C.      Saudi Arabia and Iraq

D.      Magnolia and China


5:        The world’s widest street “Broadway” is in:

A.      USA

B.      France

C.      Germany

D.      Canada


6:         “Bond Street”, located in____, is famous for tailoring and jewelry.

A.      New York

B.      San Francisco

C.      London

D.      Birmingham


7:         The boundary line between India and China is called:

A.      Green Line

B.      Curzon Line

C.      McMahon Line

D.      49 Parallel Line


8:         “Wall Street” is located in:

A.      Washington

B.      New York

C.      Mexico

D.      Chicago


9:         World’s longest street “Yonge Street” is located in:

A.      USA

B.      Brazil

C.      Canada

D.      Argentina


10:       “Hot Line” is a direct telephone line between ____ for use in emergency.

A.      Bankers

B.      Journalists

C.      Politicians

D.      Heads of Governments

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