Menu options in current program
In this era, almost every person is using a computer and
everyone lacks time. I've brought a lot of shortcut keys for you all. Using
which you can save your time.
Alt + E . . . Edit options in current program
F1 . . . Universal help (for all programs)
Ctrl + A . . . Select all text
Ctrl + X . . . Cut selected item
Ctrl + C . . . Copy
selected item
Ctrl + V . . . Paste
Home . . . Go to beginning of current line
Ctrl + f . . . Move one word to the left at a time
Ctrl + g . . . Move one word to the right at time
End . . . Go to end of current line
Shift + Del .
. . Cut selected item
Shift + Insert . .
. Paste
Ctrl + End .
. . Go to end of document
Shift + Home . . . Highlight from current position to
beginning of line
Shift + End .
. . Highlight from current
position to end of line
Ctrl + Home . .
. Go to beginning of document
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Ms Word shortcut keys
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Word shortcut keys in
Ms Word shortcut keys
pdf 2021
Word shortcut keys
for symbols
Ms Word shortcut keys
a to z
Ms Word shortcut keys
Computer shortcut
keys list
Word shortcut keys a
to z
Word shortcut keys
Word shortcut keys
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