General Knowledge (Currency-1)


General Knowledge (Currency-2)

1:         Pula is the currency of: 

A.      Ukraine

B.      Austria

C.      Botswana


2:         Cruzeiro is the currency of:

A.      Cambodia

B.      Brazil

C.      U.S.A


3:         Lev is the currency of:

A.      Sudan

B.      Bulgaria

C.      Somalia


4:         Yuan is the currency of:

A.      China

B.      Korea (North)

C.      Korea (South)


5:         Pound is the currency of:

A.      Italy

B.      Cyprus

C.      Israel


6:         Koruna is the currency of:

A.      Czech Republic

B.      Norway

C.      Malta


9:         Colon is the currency of:

A.      El Salvador

B.      Lebanon

C.      Kenya


10:        kroon is the currency of:

A.      Romania

B.      Poland

C.      Estonia

11:        Franc is the currency of:

A.      U.S.A

B.      Norway

C.      Belgium


12:       C.F.A Franc is the currency of:

A.      Benin

B.      Bolivia

C.      Morocco


13:       Ngultrum is the currency of:

A.      Bangladesh

B.      Bhutan

C.      Nigeria


14:      Bolivianos is the currency of:

A.      Hungary

B.      Iceland

C.      Bolivia


15:       Dinar is the currency of:

A.      Bosnia-Herzegovina

B.       Kazakhstan

C.      Malaysia

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