General Knowledge


 General Knowledge Past Paper

1.    The angel who will blow the trumpet on the day of Judgment is: 

A.    Hazrat Mekail 

B.    Hazrat Gibrail 

C.   Hazrat Israfil 

D.   None of these 

2.    The first Governor General of Pakistan was: 

A.    Khawaja Nazim-ud-din 

B.    Malik Ghulam Muhammad 

C.   Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah 

D.   Liaquat Ali Khan 

3.    The Devastating earthquake in Pakistan occurred on: 

A.    10th Oct. 2005 

B.    8th Oct. 2005 

C.   3rd Oct 2005 

D.   6th Oct, 2006 

4.    PINSTECH is an abbreviation for: 

A.    Pakistan Institute of Technology & Chemistry. 

B.    Pakistan Institute of Technical Education. 

C.   Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology. 

D.   Pakistan Institute of Science & Technology. 

5.    In  PAEC, a Senior Scientist is in SPS: 

A.    7 

B.    8 

C.   9 

D.   None of these 

6.    The type of work being done in NIBGE is: 

A.    Nuclear fuel cycle related 

B.    Nuclear reactor design 

C.   Biology and genetic engineering 

D.   Computer software and hardware development 

7.    One of the countries through which equator passes __________.

A.    Kenya 

B.    Australia

C.   Pakistan

D.   Russia

8.    In the absence of the president, who acts as the President of Pakistan?

A.    Chairman Senate

B.    Chief Justice of Supreme Court

C.   Speaker of National Assembly

D.   Prime Minister of Pakistan

9.    To which Prophet the Holy Book „Zabur‟ was revealed?

A.    Ibrahim (AS)

B.    Dawood (AS)

C.   Moosa (AS)

D.   Essa (AS)

10.  ___________ is the first bank of Pakistan.

A.    National Bank

B.    Habib Bank

C.   Muslim Commercial Bank

D.   State Bank


11.  Cave Hira is in the __________ Mountain.

A.    Al Safah

B.    Al Marwah

C.   Uhad

D.   Jabal al Noor

12.  The national animal of Pakistan is __________.

A.    Chakor

B.    Dove

C.   Markhor

D.   Honey bee

13.  Hajj is not complete unless one goes to __________.

A.    Madina

B.    Mina

C.   Arafat

D.   None of the above

14.  Which one is the largest desert in Pakistan?

A.    Thar

B.    Cholistan

C.   Rohi

D.   Gobi

15.  Mirani Dam is located in __________.

A.    Sindh

B.    Punjab

C.   KPK

D.   Baluchistan

16.  CNG stands for __________. A. Converted natural gas

B.    Conducted natural gas

C.   Compressed natural gas

D.   Condensed natural gas

17.  By population, Pakistan is world's _________ largest country.

A.    3rd

B.    6th

C.   10th

D.   None of the above

18.  Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam, Karachi was founded by __________.

A.    Aga Hassan Ali Afandi

B.    Sir Aga Khan

C.   Khalifa Hameed ud din

D.   Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

19.  Fifth Kalma is „Istigfaar‟. Name the sixth Kalma? (Think for yourself, the answer is very simple 😏)

A.    Tayyabah

B.    Tauheed

C.   Tamjeed

D.   Radd-e-Kufr

20.  Mancher lake situated in

A.    Sawat

B.    Dadu

C.   Muree

D.   Jomshoro

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