PAEC (Pak. Atomic Energy)Test Sample

PAEC (Pak. Atomic Energy)Test Sample


Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) goes back to 1956, when the Atomic Energy Research Council was established. PAEC is now the largest S & T organization of the country, both in terms of scientific/technical manpower and the scope of its activities. Starting with a nuclear power reactor at Karachi (KANUPP) and an experimental research reactor at Nilore, Islamabad (PARR-I), the emphasis in the early years remained focused on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. As the emphasis shifted towards concerns for national security, important projects were also initiated in this area. PAEC is charged with the promotion of, and research work on the peaceful uses of atomic energy in the fields of agriculture, medicine and industry, as well as the execution of development projects involving nuclear power stations and the generation of electric power, and to perform such other functions relating to the peaceful uses of atomic energy as may be agreed to between the commission and the government. In 1981, PAEC was accepted as full UICC member.

Departmental Promotion Examination





Employee Name: ______________________Signature:___________________




Establishment Name: ______________________________________________




PIN:  ______________________ Paper Code: __________________________



TIME ALLOWED: Three (03) Hour


Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the question paper.


1.            Please check that the question paper given to you contains 100 questions. 


2.            Please check that a one-page printed answer sheet has been provided to you.  


3.            Do not bend, roll or fold the printed answer sheet.  


4.            You must write your name and put your signature in the spaces provided on this page and also on the answer sheet. 


5.            You may do your rough work anywhere on the question paper. Do not use the answer sheet for any rough work.  


6.            Put your pens down as soon as you hear “stop writing”, otherwise your paper may be cancelled. 


7.            After the test is over, place your printed answer sheet inside the question paper and return both the question paper and answer sheet to the invigilator.  


8.            Mobile phones/tablets are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.  


9.            Programmable calculators are not allowed.  


10.         Anyone found using unfair means will be disqualified right away. 


11.         All questions carry negative marks so be careful when attempting a question. 


12.         Cooperate with invigilators. 


13.         For any question, raise your hand only. 




Result will be declared by PAEC HQ, so for any query don’t disturb the invigilators.


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