Computer MCQs - - 23

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1:            Cathode Ray Tube is a form of_____?

A.      Keyboard

B.      Mouse

C.      Monitor                      

D.      Mother board


2:            _____computer is a medium sized computer?

A.      Micro

B.      Mainframe

C.      Super

D.      Mini                             



3:            ____computer are of large size?

A.      Micro

B.      Mainframe                

C.      Super

D.      Mini



4:            Note book, laptop, palm, hand-held computers are coming under the category of _____computer?

A.      Digital computer

B.      Mainframe computer

C.      Portable computer                

D.      Hybrid computer



5:            Touch Screen is______?

A.      Input device

B.      Output device

C.      Both A & B above                   

D.      None of these



6:            _____are used for plotting graphs and design on papers?

A.      Trackball

B.      Joystick

C.      Light pen

D.      Plotters                       



7:            _____are specific to users’ needs?

A.      System software

B.      Application software                                            

C.      Assemblers

D.      Compilers



8:            “MAN” stands for______?

A.      Maximum Area Network

B.      Minimum Area Network

C.      Main Area Network

D.      Metropolitan Area Network                                              



9:            Which of the following is a network topology?

A.      LAN

B.      WAN

C.      MAN

D.      BUS                                               



10:          VOIP stands for____?

A.      Voice over IP                            

B.      Video over IP

C.      Viruses over IP

D.      Virtual over IP

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