Pak. Study (Armed Forces **Air Force**)

Pak. Study (Armed Forces **Air Force**)

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pak study mcqs

1:            The headquarters of Pakistan Air Force is located in Rawalpindi (Chaklala). Previously, these functioned in the city of:

A.      Peshawar

B.      Sargodha

C.      Karachi

D.      Lahore


2:            Air Vice Marshal Paery Cane was the first C-in-C of Pakistan Air Force. But the first Muslim Chief of PAF appointed in 1957 was:

A.      Air Marshal Asghar Khan

B.      Air Marshal Nur Khan

C.      Air Marshal Rahim

D.      Air Marshal Zafar Ahmed


3:            The rank of Chief of Air Staff replaced the rank of C-in-C in the year:

A.      1970

B.      1971

C.      1972

D.      1973


4:            PAF Academy is located in Risalpur but PAF skiing school is located in:

A.      Skardu

B.      Islamabad

C.      Peshawar

D.      Kalabagh


5:            PAF Aeronautical Complex is located in:

A.      Kamra

B.      Sargodha

C.      Peshawar

D.      Kalabagh


6:            Who was the first Chief of Air Staff?

A.      Zulfiqar Ali Khan

B.      Anwar Shamim

C.      Zafar Ahmed Chaudhry

D.      Jamal A. Khan

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