G.K (Important Places of the World-1)

G.K (Important Places of the World-2)


1:         The famous place Notre Dam is located in:

A.      Russia

B.      Greece

C.      France

D.      Italy


2:         The greatest sea port in China is:

A.      Canten

B.      Beijing

C.      Hong Kong

D.      Shanghai


3:         Simla, the capital of Himachel Pradesh is famous for: 

A.      Simla Agreement

B.      Museums

C.      Ancient Civilization

D.      Temples


4:         Name the largest town in Israel:

A.      Jerusalem

B.      Tel Aviv

C.      Gaza

D.      Tbilisi


5:         Taxila, the ancient city of Punjab, is famous for its:

A.      Archaeological excavations

B.      Ancient temples

C.      Shopping Centers

D.      Fort


6:         Zurich is an important city of:

A.      Germany

B.      Italy

C.      Switzerland

D.      Greece


7:         PENTAGON is the headquarters of:

A.      UNICEF

B.      NATO

C.      USA  Army

D.      French Army


8:         Hollywood (USA) is famous for its:

A.      Sports complex

B.      Golden gate bridge

C.      University

D.      Film Industry


9:         Which place is a famous resort for tourism?

A.      Accra

B.      Honolulu

C.      Aligarh

D.      Greenwich


10:       Which place gained fame during French Revolution in 1789?

A.      Alexandria

B.      Jaffna

C.      Bastille

D.      Kirkuk


11:       Which produces petroleum on large scale?

A.      Aleppo

B.      Kirkuk

C.      Gaza

D.      Kathmandu


12:       Amman is the capital city and capital of:

A.      Palestine

B.      Sudan

C.      Somalia

D.      Jordan


13:       Which city is located in Iraq?

A.      Babylon

B.      Dardanelles

C.      Alexandria

D.      Accra


14:       Which place is the headquarters of LTTE?

A.      Jaffna

B.      Colombo

C.      Kathmandu

D.      Notre Dam


15:       Which place is not in India?

A.      Agra

B.      Aligarh

C.      Ajmer

D.      Taxila

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