Computer MCQs - - 5

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1:            The term ‘Computer’ is derived from__________?

A.      Latin             

B.      German

C.      French

D.      Arabic


2:            Who is the father of Computer?

A.      Allen Turing

B.      Charles Babbage     

C.      Simur Cray

D.      Augusta Adaming




3:            The basic operations performed by a computer are__________?

A.      Arithmetic operation

B.      Logical operation

C.      Storage and relative

D.      All the above                            




4:            Who is the father of Internet?

A.      Charles Babbage

B.      Vint Cerf     

C.      Denis Riche

D.      Martin Cooper




5:            If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as__________?

A.      Uni-process

B.      Multiprocessor        

C.      Multi-threaded

D.      Multi-programming




6:            A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is___________?

A.      Keyboard

B.      Scanner       

C.      OMR

D.      None of these




7:            WWW stands for___________?

A.      World Whole Web

B.      Wide World Web

C.      Web World Wide

D.      World Wide Web   




8:            A collection of system programs that controls and co-ordinates the overall operations of a computer system is called____________?

A.      System software

B.      Operating system   

C.      Utility program

D.      Device driver




9:            What type of operating system MS-DOS is?

A.      Command Line Interface     

B.      Graphical User Interface

C.      Multitasking

D.      Menu Driven Interface




10:          Which technology is used in compact disks?

A.      Mechanical

B.      Electrical

C.      Electro Magnetic

D.      Laser            

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