Pak. Study (Armed Forces **Army**)

Pak. Study (Armed Forces **Army**)

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1:            The first Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army was General Muhammad Ayub Khan. He served in this capacity from January 17, 1951 to:

A.      October 10, 1956

B.      October 10, 1957

C.      October 10, 1958

D.      October 10, 1959


2:            The Head Quarters of Pakistan Army is located in:

A.      Lahore

B.      Peshawar

C.      Gujranwala

D.      Rawalpindi


3:            Pakistan Military Academy was established in 1947 in:

A.      Quetta

B.      Noshehra

C.      Kakul

D.      Kohat


4:            School of Infantry and Tactics is now located in:

A.      Kakul

B.      Quetta

C.      Peshawar

D.      Rawalpindi


5:            Armed Corps Center of Pakistan Army is in:

A.      Risalpur

B.      Islamabad

C.      Rawalpindi

D.      Noshehra


6:            Command and Staff College of Pak Army is in:

A.      Quetta

B.      Rawalpindi

C.      Lahore

D.      Multan


7:            Pakistan Army’s Military College of Engineering is located in:

A.      Noshehra

B.      Peshawar

C.      Risalpur

D.      Rawalpindi


8:            Serai Alamgir is famous for its:

A.      Military Academy

B.       Command and Staff College

C.      School of Infantry

D.      Military College


9:            In Pakistan Army, the rank of Chief of Staff replaced the rank of Commander-in-Chief on:

A.      April 9, 1970

B.      March 3, 1972

C.      June 6, 1974

D.      August 4, 1975


10:          Who was the first Chief of Staff of Pak Army?

A.      Gen. Ayub Khan

B.      Gen. Yahya Khan

C.      Gen. Tikka Khan

D.      Gen. Musa Khan


11:          Gen. Sir Frank Messervy was the first Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army. Who was the last Commander-in-Chief who relinquished this office in 1972?

A.      Gen. Musa Khan

B.      Gen. Yahya Khan

C.      Gen. Tikka Khan

D.      Lt. Gen. Gul Hassan


12:          Which general took over as Chief of Army staff on October 7, 1998?

A.      Gen. Jehangir Kharamat

B.      Gen. Pervez Musharraf

C.      Gen. Asif Nawaz

D.      Gen. Abdul Waheed Kakar


13:          Who was second Chief of Staff of Pakistan Army?

A.      Gen. Aslam Baig Mirza

B.      Gen. Asif Nawaz

C.      Gen. Abdul Waheed

D.      Gen. M. Zia-ul-Haq

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