Pak. Study (Agriculture in Pakistan-1)

Pak. Study (Agriculture in Pakistan-1)


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1:            The percentage of population of Pakistan which is attached to the agriculture sector is:

A.      67.50 %

B.      60.23 %

C.      64.68 %

D.      68.45 %


2:            The area of Pakistan which is available for cultivation is:

A.      38 million

B.      48 million

C.      58 million

D.      68 million


3:            The area which is actually cultivated in Pakistan is:

A.      30 percent

B.      36 percent

C.      40 percent

D.      42 percent


4:            In the land reforms of 1977, the limit of irrigated landholding was reduced from 500 acres to:

A.      250 acres

B.      200 acres

C.      220 acres

D.      100 acres


5:            In the 1977 agrarian reforms, the limit of non-irrigated landholding was reduced from 300 acres to:

A.      180 acres

B.      200 acres

C.      220 acres

D.      250 acres


6:            According to the survey of 1980, about 74 percent farmers owned farms smaller than:

A.      Five hectares

B.      Ten hectares

C.      Fifteen hectares

D.      Twenty hectares


7:            In Pakistan, the Kharif crops are sown:

A.      Between January and February

B.      Between February and March

C.      Between April and June

D.      Between June and July


8:            The Rabi crops are sown between:

A.      September and October

B.      October and November

C.      November and December

D.      December and January


9:            Wheat is the principle staple food of Pakistan. It shown in:

A.      37 % of cropped area

B.      47 % of cropped area

C.      57 % of cropped area

D.      67 % of cropped area


10:          In 1947-48, the production of Wheat was:

A.      0.8 million tonnes

B.      1.3 million tonnes

C.      2.3 million tonnes

D.      3.3 million tonnes

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