Islamic Studies - 6


Islamic Studies - 6

1:            Who added the words (Asaalato-khairo-mennanaom) into the Fajr Azan?

A.      Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

B.      Hazrat Umar (RA)

C.      Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA)

D.      None of the above


2:            Who added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers?

A.      Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

B.      Hazrat Umar (RA)

C.      Hazrat Usman (RA)

D.      Hazrat Ali (RA)


3:            He exempted horses from Zakat:

A.      Hazrat Ali (RA)

B.      Walid bin Abd-ul-Malik

C.      Haroon-ur-Rashid

D.      None of the above


4:            The tragic incident of “Karbala” took place in Moharram ____.

A.      58 A.H.

B.      61 A.H.

C.      65 A.H.

D.      70 A.H.


5:            She was alive at the time of “Karbala” tragedy:

A.      Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

B.      Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

C.      Hazrat Masmoona (RA)

D.      Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (RA)


6:            The Mosque of the Prophet (ï·º) was damaged due to fire in the reign of:

A.      Hazrat Amir Muawiya (RA)

B.      Walid bin Abdul Malik

C.      Mamoon-ur-Rasheed

D.      Motasim Billah


7:            The Jamya Mosque of Damascus was built by:

A.      Hazrat Amir Muawiya (RA)

B.      Abdul Malik bin Marwan

C.      Walid bin Abdul Malik

D.      None of the above


8:            Al-Azhar Mosque was completed in:

A.      920 A.D.

B.      950 A.D.

C.      972 A.D.

D.      990 A.D.


9:            The Badshahi Mosque of Lahore was built by:

A.      Akbar

B.      Alamgir

C.      Shah Jahan

D.      Jahangir


10:          Faisal Mosque of Islamabad is the biggest mosque in Pakistan. It was opened for the public in:

A.      1975

B.      1980

C.      1987

D.      1990


11:          It is the 3rd source of Islamic Fiqh:

A.      The Quran

B.      The Hadith

C.      Ijtehad

D.      Ijma


12:          It is called as Umm-us-Saheehain:

A.      Bukhari Sharif

B.      Muslim Sharif

C.      Sunan Nisai

D.      Mauta Imam Malik


13:          Muhammad bin Ismaeel’s Bukhari comprises:

A.      1,000 Hadiths

B.      2,000 Hadiths

C.      3,000 Hadiths

D.      4,000 Hadiths


14:          Imam Bukhari (RA) was born in ____ and died in ____.

A.      190 and 250 A.H.

B.      190 and 270 A.H.

C.      194 and 256 A.H.

D.      120 and 200 A.H.


15:          These two books are called Sahihain:

A.      Bukhari Sharif, Sunan Ibn-e-Maja

B.      Bukhari Sharif, Sunan Ibn-e-Dawood

C.      Bukhari Sharif, Muslim Shrif

D.      None of the above

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