Islamic Studies - 2


Islamic Studies - 2 (


1:            About ____ people were with him in the boat.

A.      40

B.      50

C.      60

D.      80


2:            ‘Aad’ was the nation of:

A.      Hazrat Loot (AS)

B.      Hazrat Musa (AS)

C.      Hazrat Hood (AS)

D.      None of the above


3:            After seven day’s continuous thunderous rain and storm the nation of ____ was destroyed.

A.      Hazrat Salih (AS)

B.      Hazrat Hood (AS)

C.      Hazrat Loot (AS)

D.      Hazrat Noah (AS)


4:            The nation of Samood was preached by:

A.      Hazrat Yakoob (AS)

B.      Hazrat Salih (AS)

C.      Hazrat Loot (AS)

D.      Hazrat Haroon (AS)


5:            The miracle of pregnant female camel was sent to the nation of:

A.      A’d

B.      Samood

C.      Israel

D.      None of them


6:            The soap was made by ____ first of all.

A.      Hazrat Ishaq (AS)

B.      Hazrat Yusha (AS)

C.      Hazrat Younas (AS)

D.      Hazrat Salih (AS)


7:            Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was born in the present day ____.

A.      Iraq

B.      Palestine

C.      Saudi Arabia

D.      Syria


8:            Only ____ Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Ibraheem (AS).

A.      3

B.      10

C.      15

D.      20


9:            Hazrat Sara (RA) the wife of Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) and the mother of Hazrat Ishaq (AS) was the sis of Prophet:

A.      Hazrat Loot (AS)

B.      Hazrat Hood (AS)

C.      Hazrat Uzair (AS)

D.      None of the above


10:          She was the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt.

A.      Hazrat Sara (RA)

B.      Hazrat Hajra (RA)

D.      None of the above


11:          Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was ____ years old when Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) was born to Hazrat Hajra (AS).

A.      70

B.      86

C.      90

D.      100


12:          Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) grave is found in:

A.      Saudi Arabia

B.      Palestine

C.      Iraq

D.      Syria


13:          The nation of ____ (AS) was destroyed by a rain of stones.

A.      Hazrat Salih (AS)

B.      Hazrat Hood (AS)

C.      Hazrat Loot (AS)

D.      None of the above


14:          Israel (AS) was the son of:

A.      Hazrat Loot (AS)

B.      Hazrat Ismaeel (AS)

C.      Hazrat Ishaq (AS)

D.      Hazrat Yousaf (AS)


15:          Israel (AS) was ____ years old when Hazrat Ishaq (AS) died:

A.      50

B.      100

C.      120

D.      147

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