G.K (Location & Capitals of Countries-2)

1:         The capital of Russia is:

A.      Moscow

B.      Leningrad

C.      Ukraine

D.      Warsaw


2:         Where is Somalia Located?

A.      South America

B.      Asia

C.      Middle East

D.      Africa


3:         Name the capital of Saudi Arabia:

A.      Jeddah

B.      Riyadh

C.      Madina

D.      Makkah


4:         Switzerland is located in:

A.      Central Europe

B.      Western Europe

C.      North America

D.      Asia


5:         Khartoum is the capital of:

A.      Zimbabwe

B.      Sweden

C.      Sudan

D.      Kenya


6:         Yugoslavia is situated in:

A.      Central Europe

B.      Southern Europe

C.      Asia and Europe

D.      Middle East


7:         Name the capital of United Arab Emirates:

A.      Manama

B.      Sharjah

C.      Dubai

D.      Abu Dhabi


8:         Turkey is situated in:

A.      Asia

B.      Asia and Europe

C.      Europe

D.      Africa


9:         What is West Indies?

A.      A Country

B.      An Island

C.      Sum of Island

D.      Colony

 10:      The capital of Turkey is:

A.      Washington

B.      Ankara

C.      Sanaa

D.      Jordon

11:       Libya is located in:

A.      Asia

B.      Middle East

C.      Central Africa

D.      North Africa


12:       Malta is a/an:

A.      Peninsula

B.      Island

C.      Colony

D.      Buffer state


13:      Mongolia is situated in:

A.      Central Asia

B.      Europe

C.      Africa

D.      South America


14:       Name the capital of Nepal:

A.      Yangon

B.      Bangkok

C.      Kathmandu

D.      Male


15:      Holland is also known as:

A.      Madagascar

B.      Netherlands

C.      Greece

D.      Luxembourg