General Knowledge - pg#3

1:         Which Country is called ‘Buffer State of Asia’?

A.      Magnolia

B.      Afghanistan

C.      Tibet

D.      Myanmar


2:          _____ is called ‘Land of Mountains’?

A.      Indonesia

B.      Japan

C.      Nepal

D.      Pakistan


3:         "Land of Thousand Lakes" is:

A.      Finland

B.      Iceland

C.      Pakistan

D.      Bangladesh


4:         After Iran, who is the largest manufacturer of carpets?

A.      Afghanistan

B.      Pakistan

C.      Iraq

D.      Uzbekistan


5:         China is a state based on:

A.      Party less democracy

B.      Bi-Party system

C.      Multi-party system

D.      Single party system


6:         Official reports of the British Govt. are called:

A.      White Books

B.      Green Books

C.      Grey Books

D.      Blue Books


7:         _____ is called ‘Key to the Mediterranean’.

A.      Athens

B.      Rome

C.      Gibraltar

D.      Madrid


8:         Which European country is called ‘Flower Garden of Europe’?

A.      Sweden

B.      Netherlands

C.      Switzerland

D.      Finland


9:         The famous ‘Taj-Mahal’ is situated in:

A.      Agra

B.      Madras

C.      Delhi

D.      Kolkata

10:       Eternal city is:

A.      Baghdad

B.      Quetta

C.      Athens

D.      Cairo

11:        ______ is called ‘Land of White Elephants’.

A.      Kenya

B.      Congo

C.      Thailand

D.      Mozambique


12:      ‘Forbidden City’ is:

A.      Lhasa (Tibet)

B.      Beijing

C.      Tokyo

D.      Rome


13:       Singapore City is the capital of:

A.      Taiwan

B.      Hong Kong

C.      Vietnam

D.      Singapore


14:       _____ is called ‘Site of Ancient Civilization’.

A.      Egypt

B.      Iraq

C.      China

D.      Greece


15:       ‘Pearl of East’ is:

A.      Bangkok

B.      Tokyo

C.      Seoul

            D.      Penang 

16:       Fidel Castro is the president of::

A.      Cuba

B.      Mexico

C.      Jamaica

D.      Uruguay


17:       Princess of Hope is in:

A.      Lasbela (Baluchistan)

B.      Sawabi (KP)

C.      Qasur (Punjab)

D.      Jomshoro (Sindh)


18:       Who was the Greek Goddess of war and wisdom?

A.      Athena

B.      Lakshmi

C.      Ganga

D.      None of these


19:       Official reports of the British Govt. are called:

A.      White Books

B.      Green Books

C.      Grey Books

D.      Blue Books


20:       _____ is called ‘Key to the Mediterranean’.

A.      Athens

B.      Rome

C.      Gibraltar

D.      Madrid