English (Antonyms – 2)


English (Antonyms – 2)

1:            Synonyms of RECOVER:

A.      Petit

B.      Lose

C.      Miss


2:            Synonyms of OWN:

A.      Deny

B.      Disclaim

C.      Outlay


3:            Synonyms of EQUAL:

A.      Oval

B.      Variable

C.      Uneven


4:            Synonyms of SIN:

A.      Virtue

B.      Morality

C.      Bundle


5:            Synonyms of PROVE:

A.      Terse

B.      Refute

C.      Disprove


6:            Synonyms of REASON:

A.      Acquiesce

B.      Accede

C.      Deity


7:            Synonyms of PROGRESS:

A.      Shrike

B.      Retrogress

C.      Recede


8:            Synonyms of FREE:

A.      Bind

B.      Enslave

C.      Payee


9:            Synonyms of PRAISE:

A.      Thyme

B.      Censure

C.      Reproof


10:          Synonyms of JUSTICES:

A.      Inequity

B.      P. stamp

C.      Partiality


11:          Synonyms of COMPLEX:

A.      Uncomplicated

B.      Sham

C.      Simple


12:          Synonyms of DANGER:

A.      Security

B.      Safety

C.      Craving


13:          Synonyms of ACTIVITY:

A.      Laziness

B.      Lethargy

C.      Inactivity


14:          Synonyms of LACK:

A.      Surplus

B.      Abundance

C.      Plump


15:          Synonyms of MISLEAD:

A.      Chin

B.      Direct

C.      Guide

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